WooCommerce to Shopify Migration Service

Migrate to Shopify in no time. Learn how you can move your WooCommerce store to Shopify without losing data and functionality.

Migrating to Shopify Isn't as Hard as You Think

We know that switching e-commerce platforms can feel overwhelming. What about all your data and SEO rankings? Will your new Shopify store function the same as your WooCommerce platform? Is there going to be any lost revenue throughout the migration process?

Yes, there are a lot of questions, doubts and fears, but this is why dekstech is here to help. Our straightforward process guarantees a smooth transition from WooCommerce, handling everything from product data transfers to preserving your site's SEO rankings.

With our dedicated support team available every step of the way, you'll have expert guidance and quick answers to your questions!

  • Clear Steps, No Surprises

    We’ll walk you through the process so you always know what’s happening next.

  • No Data Left Behind

    From product details to customer histories, we make sure all your store data makes the move to your new eCommerce platform.

  • Keep Selling

    Transition with minimal downtime. You keep selling, we handle the switch.

What Data Do We Transfer to Shopify?

  • Products (names, descriptions, prices, SKUs, weights, inventory details, product tags)
  • Product images
  • Product categories and collections
  • Customer data (profiles, email addresses, phone numbers, shipping addresses)
  • Order data (including customer information, purchase details, and order statuses)
  • Blog posts
  • Pages (like 'About Us', 'FAQs', etc.)
  • Reviews
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) settings (such as URL structures and redirects)

Migrate WooCommerce to Shopify With dekstech

Instead of using a random migration app from the Shopify app store, choose a migration service that's fully equipped to handle all your data–no matter how much you have.

When you work with us, you get access to all these benefits:

We’ve Been Around the Block

Our team is stacked with e-commerce professionals who know WooCommerce and Shopify inside and out. With years of migrations and hundreds of transferred WooCommerce stores, we’re ready to handle yours smoothly and expertly.

Tailored Just for You

No cookie-cutter solutions here! We get that your business is one of a kind, so we tailor everything to fit what you need, whether you want to keep the vibe of your current store or shake things up with a new look.

Seamless Integration

We move all your stuff from your WooCommerce shop, products, customers, orders, you name it, without dropping a beat. You won’t see any hiccups or downtime, and we’ll keep those SEO rankings intact.

Ongoing Support and Training

Got questions after you’re all set up? No problem. We stay around to train you on Shopify’s bells and whistles and answer any questions. If something pops up, we’re just a call away.

Focus on Growth

We do more than just move your site. We set your online business up for even better growth. Shopify’s got some awesome tools, and with our strategic setup, you’ll be all set to scale up.

How We'll Move Your WooCommerce Store to Its New Home

Ready to make the leap from WooCommerce to Shopify? Here’s a peek at our step-by-step migration magic that's designed to make your move as smooth and secure as it can be.

  • 1. Initial Consultation and Planning

    Kicking things off, we chat about your goals, dive into your existing WooCommerce store setup, and figure out all the important details like which products, customers, orders, and other existing data need to be transferred to Shopify.

  • 2. Data Preparation and Backup

    Before we touch anything, we back up your store data, because it's precious, and we're not taking any chances. Then, we tidy things up, making sure everything is neat, compatible, packed into CSV files, and ready for its new Shopify home. A clean slate means no mess and no stress.

  • 3. Setting Up Shopify

    Here's where your new online store starts to take shape. We configure all the nitty-gritty settings like payment gateways, shipping rules, and taxes in Shopify. Want a new look? Our designers are on standby to craft a Shopify theme that screams 'you' or tweak an existing one to perfection.

  • 4. Data Migration

    It's time to move your data! We use top-notch tools to transfer your products, customer data, and order history directly into Shopify. We're talking about a meticulous process where every category, variation, and image finds its perfect spot in your Shopify account.

  • 5. SEO and Redirects

    Keeping your SEO in check, we set up 301 redirects from your old WooCommerce URLs to your shiny new Shopify ones. We also fine-tune your Shopify store’s SEO settings so that your meta tags, SEO URLS, titles, and descriptions are polished and primed to keep your Google rankings high.

  • 6. Training and Handover

    Once we're sure everything's in tip-top shape, we walk you and your team through how to use your new Shopify platform. We'll cover everything from managing orders to adding new products, making sure you're comfortable and ready to re-launch!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to all my data when we switch?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Everything from your WooCommerce products to your customer info and past orders moves over safely to Shopify. We make sure nothing gets left behind or messed up.

Will my store look the same on Shopify?

That’s totally up to you! Once we perform the migration, we can keep the look of your store platform pretty much the same. If you’re feeling a refresh, we can help redesign it to give your store a brand-new vibe.

How long does the whole migration process take?

It depends on the size and complexity of your store, but generally, it takes a few weeks to get everything moved and all the imported data fine-tuned. We’ll give you a timeline upfront so you know what to expect.

Can you transfer customer passwords?

Generally, passwords are encrypted and cannot be directly accessed or moved. However, there’s a smooth workaround. Once the migration is complete, you can prompt your customers to reset their passwords on the new Shopify site.

Will a Shopify migration app do just as well?

While a Shopify migration app can handle basic transfers effectively, if your WooCommerce site has complex customizations or extensive data, an app might not capture everything perfectly. These tools are great for straightforward migrations but may fall short in terms of data security, seamless integration, product configurations, and other important aspects.